Exposing the Media

Coming from someone with a past of watching pretty much any movie, listening to almost any genre of music, and playing all kinds of video games I have seen and heard some crazy stuff in my past life before realizing I need to be more serious with God and our relationship. This page is to point out that there is a lot passing under our noses and we do not even pay attention to it and the majority does not do their “homework.” In these last days we must be vigilant because the bible states that even the very elect will be deceived. Learn what symbols mean because that is one thing that will never change.

Now here is the purpose for why I feel lead to create this. My intentions are to wake people up on these things and inform what is being snuck in at all the levels of kid shows and up. Why is this a big deal? Media is the quickest way for doors to be open for evil spirits. Do not believe me? You should look at how kids react after being grounded from World of Warcraft throwing violent tempers as just one example. Also, for those who are Christian and are trying to be true, we still need to be cautious of items categorized as “Christian” because there are many which is deceiving in this area as well. We are to abstain away from all things that even appear evil and keep our minds pure and clean which even includes our subconscious levels (this is where brainwashing begins).

So, below will be the categories of Television (which will cover movies, commercials, episodes of tv series and so forth and maybe even the books related to the movie/show), Music (covering lyrics and the official music videos), and Video Games (PC, Xbox, Playstation, Mobile, you name it). Each item will be able to click to see the broken down details of why it has brought out to attention. If there is no link, I plan to add it when I have time.

*Please note my views of media do not support viewing/listening to foul language, nudity, blood and gore, witchcraft etc.

Television / Movies


Video Games

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